
  1. Policy implications of math learning difficulties in the context of social justice. 

  2. Social and cultural factors that cause math learning difficulties and low achievement in math.

  3. The impact of math learning difficulties and low achievement in math on social and economic opportunities. 

  4. Strategies for supporting students with math learning difficulties and low achievers in math school settings and beyond. 

  5. The role of technology in supporting students with math learning difficulties and  low achievers in math.

  6. The role of parents in supporting students with math learning difficulties. 

  7. The intersection of math learning difficulties and other educational special needs.

  8. Inclusion practices for students with math learning difficulties. 

  9. Emotional and cognitive characteristics of students with math learning difficulties and low achievers in math.

  10. Prognosis, Diagnostic process, and diagnostic criteria for students with math learning difficulties.

  11. Multiple components of math learning difficulties and low achievement in math.

  12. Neuropsychological aspects of math learning difficulties.

  13. Gender differences in math learning difficulties.

  14. Identification, classification and, prevalence of math learning difficulties. 

  15. Novel perspectives in math learning difficulties.

  16. Relationships between other specific learning disabilities and math learning difficulties.

  17. The role of math learning  in the achieving of social justice.

  18. Math learning as a human right.

  19. Teachers’ attitudes and awareness about math learning difficulties.

  20. Math learning difficulties and its effects on daily life.